Health \ Stratheden 24 Bed Dementia and Mental Health Unit

The proposal for this award-winning project was to provide a 24 bed low security dementia and mental health unit on the grounds of NHS Fife, Stratheden.

Patient accommodation is split into 2 wings for organic and functional groups of patients respectively, and is separated by a central service spine serving both groups.

In each wing there are 12 single bedrooms with en-suite shower rooms, located around an enclosed courtyard. The courtyards allow for easy and free access to the outside into a secured garden for both groups of patients. Approach to the building is via a foot path and vehicular road which runs around an existing sycamore tree in the middle of the site.

To the East side of the entrance is a rotunda which houses staff meeting, rest and consulting rooms. The rotunda accommodates non-patient areas and access for patients to this area is supervised.

The previously designed building on the adjacent site can be seen here...

The project won a RIBA Award in 2011. The judging panel commented on the "close co-operation" between client and nursing staff to produce a bright, contemporary environment designed to improve well-being and state of mind. Judges also felt the unit created a comfortable, calming accommodation within a light and welcoming environment.

George Cunningham, general manager of Kirkcaldy and Levenmouth community health partnership, said, "The Muirview Unit represents a significant step forward in the design and provision of facilities for people experiencing mental health problems."

Architects Richard Murphy, Graeme Armet, Brian Tobin, Tersius Maass
Healthcare Planner Interserve Health Scotland
Project Manager Cyril Sweett
Structural Engineering URS Corporation Ltd
M&E Engineers Capita Symonds
M&E Engineers Vaughan Engineering Group
Quantity Surveyor Interserve Building Scotland
Cost Manager Capita Symonds
Planning Supervisor Capita Symonds
Contractor Interserve Building Scotland
Construction Cost £4.2m
Client NHS Fife


2010 Building Better Healthcare Award - Best Mental Health Building Design
2011 Scottish Design Award - Commendation
2011 RIBA Award


July 2011 Into The Space Age RIBA Journal
June 2011 A Healthy Workload Project Scotland Magazine
May 2011 Muirview Unit At Stratheden Hospital Recognised For 'Architectural Excellence' The Tayside And Fife Courier
April 2011 Architects In Line For Top Design Awards - 2011 RIBA Awards Shortlist The Scotsman
April 2011 Scottish Shortlist For 2011 RIBA Awards BD Online
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